Saturday, April 7, 2018

Use of Most Important ‘Pre-Position’ 01

Use of Most Important ‘Pre-Position’

Use of ‘About’
1. ‡Kvb wel‡q ev †Kvb wKQy m¤^‡Ü wKQy ejv ev Kiv A‡_© about e‡m|  
    a. I am telling you about my career.
    b. Let us talk about our business.
    c. I know everything about you.
2. cÖvq A‡_© about e‡m|  
   a. He is about to rise feet.
   b. I need about 50 thousand taka.
   c. He is about to die.
   d. Then it was about 8:00 O’clock.
3. Pviw`‡K A‡_© about e‡m|  
   a. There is a lake about the locality.
   b. Wrap the pieces of cloth about my finger.
   c. The news of his death was spread all about.
4. mg‡qi m¤¢ve¨Zv †evSv‡Z about e‡m|
   a. It is about 8 O’clock.
   b. The bus will start about now.
5. Dcjÿ ev D‡Ïk¨ ‡evSv‡Z about e‡m|  
   a. She came to my house about that matter.
   b. I talk to him about the business.

Use of ‘Above’
1.   msjMœ bv n‡q Dc‡I eySv‡Z above’ e‡m|
a.    The sky is above our head.
b.   The plane flew above the cloud.
2.   wbw`©ó cwigvb ev msL¨vi †P‡q †ekx/ AwaKZi †ekx/ AwaKZi fvj eySv‡Z above’ e‡m|
a.       I have got above 80% marks in English.
b.      There is no shirt above six hundred taka in this shop.
c.       He is above all corruption.
d.      He is above me in rank.
e.     He is above criticism.

Use of ‘After’
1.   c‡i N‡U G iKg A‡_© after e‡m|  
a. Where will you go after dinner?
b. He will meet me after his lunch.
c.  After having lunch, he went away.
2.   wcQy †bIqv ev avIqv Kiv A‡_© after e‡m|  
a. We ran after the thief.
b.Do not hanker after money.
c. The police ran after the thief.
3.   cwiKíYv, aiY ev Ab¨ wKQy Abym¥iY †evSv‡Z after e‡m|  
a. The museum is built after my design.
b.This pen was bought after my choice.
c. He is named after his father.
1.  avivevwnKZv †evSv‡Z after e‡m|  
a. We cantered one after another.

Use of ‘Against’
1.weiæ‡× A_© eySv‡j ‘Againste‡m|
a.  He is always against me.
b. She complained to the headmaster against me.
2. GK cv‡k/cv‡k eySv‡Z ‘Againste‡m|
a.  I kept the chair against the wall.
3.cÖ¯‘wZ ev mZK©Zv eySv‡Z ‘Againste‡m|
a. The stored up some food against rainy ray.
4.cÖwZKzj A_© eySv‡j ‘Againste‡m|
a. The boys are swimming against the current.
b.  We sailed against the wind.

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