Saturday, April 7, 2018

Fill in the Gap with suitable Articles for JSC

Fill in the Gap with suitable Articles for JSC

Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero articles.
01.              Football is (a) ___ popular game in our country. It is equally exciting to (b) ___ players and the spectators. It is (c) ___ foreign (d) ___ game. It is popular all over (e) ___ world. It is played in (f) ___ open field.

02.           Bangladesh is (a) ___ country of rivers. Some of the rivers are (b) ___ famous. But some of (c) ___ big rivers have dried up. They go dry especially in the summer season. Then we have to face (d) ___ extreme situation. But during (e) __ rainy season all the rivers are full to (f) ___ brim.
03.          One day a crow saw (a) ___ piece of a meat. It took (b) ___ meat his mouth. It sat on (c) ___ branch of the tree to eat the piece of (d) ___ meat. (e) ___ fox was looking for food. He came under (f) ___ tree. 
04.           Punctuality is (a) ___ unique virtue. It leads (b) ___ man to the path of success. (c) ___ punctual man does all his works in (d) ___ due time. He never puts off his works for tomorrow. So it is our duty to acquire (e) ___ quality of punctuality in our life. Everyone respects the man who is punctual. (f) ___ unpunctual man faces many problems in his life.
05.          Discipline is seen in (a) ___ nature. Every morning (b) ___ sun rise in the east, day follows (c) ___ night, birds sing and flowers blossom. Everywhere in nature there is (d) ___ harmony.  If there were no discipline in (e) ___ nature, there would have been (f) ___ chaos everywhere.
06.             Truthfulness is (a) ___ greatest of all (b)___ virtues that make (c) ___ man really great. If we do not cultivate (d) ___ habit of speaking (e) ___ truth, we can’t command (f) ___ confidence of others.
07.                     Each and every student wants to make a good result in the examination. But it is not (a) ___ easy task. (b) ___ student has to do something with this end in view. From (c) ___ very beginning, he must be very serious. He should read (d) ___ texts again and again. He must not make (e) ___ notes from (f) ___ common source.
08.          Our life is (a) ___ sum total of hours, months and years. But all the days are not equally memorable to us. Most of (b) ___ days are forgotten with (c) ___ passage of time. Only (d) ___ few days remain ever fresh in our memory. My first day at (e) ___ school in such (f) ___ amusing day.
09.                     Lutfur is (a) ___ street boy. He is (b) ___orphan. He lives in the street of Chittagong (c) ___ city. One day he went to New Market. He saw a fruit-seller selling different of (d) ___ fruits. There he found (e) ___ old man buying some apples. (f) ____ apples looked very fresh.
10.          The main aim of (a) ____ education is not only to pass the exam and get (b) ____ good job but also to gain knowledge and widen (c) ___ third eye. (d) ____ ideal student should realize (e) ____ real fact. Otherwise, the purpose of education will be (f) ____ incomplete one.
11.          My mother is (a) ____ very religious woman. She always advises me to follow (b) ____ path of (c) _____ truth and honesty. She bears (d) ____ good moral character. She is very kind to (e) ____ poor. She is (f) ____ ideal housewife.
12.           Drug addiction is now (a) ____ global problem. It has spread poisonous claw all over (b) ____ world. Frustration is (c)____ main cause of drug addiction. Drugs bear (d) ____ terrible effect on (e) _____ human body. It kills a man little. No physician can stop the changes that take place in the organs of (f) ____ addict.
13.          Once I went to (a) ___ mango orchard. One of my friends was (b) ___ owner the orchard. While walking, I found (c)___ mango lying under (d) ___ tree. (e) ___ mango was ripe. Seeing (f) ____ mango in my hand, my friend said, “It will taste sweet.”
14.          Mr. Hasan is an English (a) ____ teacher. He is (b) ____ M.A. in English. He serves in (c) ____ famous institution. He tries to lead (d) ____ honest life. He is (e) ____ most favorite teacher to (f) ____ Students. 
15.           Always speak (a) _____ truth. Never tell (b) _____ lie. Nobody believes (c) ____ lair. Even if he is (d) ____ truthful he is considered to be (e) ____ liar. Nobody in (f) ____ world is as unfortunate as he.
16.          Mr. Karim is an English (a) ____ teacher. He is b) ___  M.A in English. He serves in (c) ___ famous institution. He tries to lead (d) ¾ honest life. He is (e) ____ most favourite teacher (f) ____ to the students.  
17.          (a) ¾--- ant is an industrious b) ------ insect. No other insect is as industrious like (c) ¾ ant. If we open (d) ------- pages of history, we shall see that e) -----men who have become great in (f) ¾---  world were industrious. 
18.           Dhaka is (a) _____ capital of Bangladesh. It is (b) ____ old city. People of different communities live in (c) _____ city. Their ways of life are (d) _____ quite different. So, their occupations are not (e) _____ same. Most of the people lead (f) ____ very hard life here.
19.           We live in an age of (a) ____ science. Newspaper is (b) _____ wonder of modern science. Newspaper is (c) ____ paper which carries news of (d) ____ whole world. It is such (e) _____ important thing that we cannot go (f)____ single day without it.
20.             A few days ago I enjoyed (a) ____ interesting football (b) _____ match. It was played between (b) ____ top two teams, Argentina and Germany. On (d) _____ day of the match, I went to (e) _____ stadium quite early. I stood in the line and bought (f) ____ ticket.
21.          A true friend is (a) _____ asset. He stands by his friend in time of (b) _____ danger. Normally he is not (c) _____ greedy person. He always wishes for (d) _____ welfare of his friend. But it is (e) ____ matter of fact that (f) _____ ideal friend is very rare today.
22.           Money cannot buy (a)—-happiness. Frankly speaking money is (b)—-must for our life. But it is not always (c)—-necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d)—-psychological thing. It is the name of (e) —-feeling. It means contentment. He who is satisfied with what he gets and contented with his life is really f) ----- happy man.
23.           Patriotism is a) ------- noble virtue. It inspires (b) — man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his country. A man without (c) ------ patriotism is no better than (d) — beast. A true patriot is honoured by e) ----- all. He thinks for (f) — welfare of his country.
24.          Punctuality is of great value to (a)—-student. (b)—-unpunctual boy who is late in (c)—-class will miss (d)—-part of his lesson and fall (e)—-behind other students. But (f)—-punctual student will learn his lesson in time and do well in the examination.
25.           Every student wants to do better in the exam. But it is not (a) — easy task. (b) — student has to do something for this. From (c) — very beginning, he must be very serious. He should read (d) — texts again and again. He must not make (e) — notes from a common source. He must follow (f) — particular method which is termed as an advanced one.
1       a) a (b) the (c) a (d) X (e) the (f) the/an
2       a) a; b) x; c) the; d) an; e) the; f) the
3       a) a; b) the; c) a; d) x; e) A; f) the
4       a) a; b) a;  c) A; d) x; e) the; f) An
5        a) x; b) the; c) x; d) a; e) the; f) a
6       a) the; b) x; c) a; d) the; e) the; f) the
7       a) an; b) A; c) the; d) the; e) x; f) a
8       a) the (b) the (c) the (d) a (e) X (f) an
9       a) a; b) an; c) x; d) x; e) an; f) The
10              a) (b) a (c) the (d) an (e) the (f) an
11              a) a; (b) the; (c)x; (d) a; (e) the; (f) an
12              (a) a (b) the (c) the (d) a (e) the  (f) an
13              a) a; b) the; c) a; d) a; e) The; f) the
14               a) x; b) an; c) a; d) an; e) the; f) the
15              (a) the (b) a (c) a (d) x  (e) a (f) the
16              a) x; b) an; c) a; d) an; e) the; f) x
17              a) The; b) x0; c) an; d)  the; e) the; f) the
18               a) the; b) an; c) the; d) x; e) the; f) a
19              a) (b) a/the (c) a (d) the (e) an (f) a
20              (a) an (b) x  (c) the (d) the (e) the (f) a
21              (a) an (b) x (c) a (d) an/the (e) a (f) an
22              a) x; b) a; c) x; d) a; e) a; f) a
23              a) a; b) a; c) x; d) a e) x; f) the
24      (a) a, (b) an, (c) the, (d) a, (e) x, (f) a
25  (a) an (b) A (c) the (d) the (e) x (f) a

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