Saturday, April 7, 2018

Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC


1. Write a paragraph about ‘National Flag’.
National flag
National flag symbolizes a nation’s independence. It introduces any country to the people of the world. Every independent country has a national flag. We live in an independent country. We have our own national flag too. The flag is our pride. We have got it in exchange of a sea of blood. It is rectangular in shape.  Its size is 10: 6. It may be made of cotton, liner or silk. The color of our national flag is green and it has a red circle in the center. The green color indicates youth and peace. The red circle indicates dark period of oppression the sunrise after a long dark period of oppression. It also indicates the bright future of our nation. It is hoisted on government office buildings, foreign high commission offices and educational institutions. It is kept half- mast on the national mournful days. It is the symbol of inspiration. We bow down our heads before the national flag. The flag is our dignity. I am very proud of our national flag. Now it is our duty to uphold the honour of the flag by doing somethings noble for our country.

2. Write a paragraph about ‘A Rainy Day’  answering the following questions.
(a) What is a rainy day? / When we call a day as a rainy day?
(b) How does the sky look? / What is the condition of the sky and earth in a rainy day?
(c) What are the results?
(d) How does it bring sufferings to the people?/Who are the more sufferer on that day?
(e) How does it bring sufferings to the students? 
(f) How are the rich men of our country enjoy the day?
(g) How does it shake our mind?/ What is your conception about the day?

A Rainy Day
A rainy day is a day when it rains continuously all day long during the rainy season. It is called a pouring day. It may heavily or slowly. The sky is overcast with thick of black clouds and the sun remains hidden behind them. The weather is foul. The sun is not seen. Sometimes, gusty wind blows with rain. Rivers, canals and tanks swell up. Roads and paths get muddy and slippery. Water stands here and there. Normal life is disrupted due to heavy rain. One does not generally come out. The common people cannot attend their working places in time. People cannot go out without an umbrella. The poor do not like a rainy day. They cannot go out to earn their living. Their suffering knows no bounds. They go on starving. A rainy day is most welcomed to the students, as they have no classes in the school. A rainy day brings joyous mood to the young boys and students. People pass the day in listening to music, watching TV, reading novels. A rainy day has good effect on the soil. It helps plants to grow, flowers to bloom and nature looks fresh and beautiful. However, a rainy day is not pleasant to all.

3.  Write a paragraph about ‘A School Library’ answering the following questions.
a. What is a library?
b. Is there any library in your school?
c. What is the condition of your school library?
d. What types of books are found in your school library?
e. What are the facilities in that library?
f. How it help you in the school?

A School Library
A school library is a room where various kinds of books are kept for the readers. It is a storehouse of knowledge. It is a part and parcel of a school. It is very essential for both the students and the teachers. Our school has a big library. It is located beside the office room. There are some benches in the library. The students sit on them and read books. There is a chair and a table for the librarian. The books are arranged in different shelves according to subjects. A librarian helps the students find the book. Different kinds of books are kept in the library such as novels, dramas, short stories and poetry books etc All the books are well arranged. Both the teachers and the students read books in the library. The students are allowed to read books for a week. The library is our leisure companion. It helps to widen our knowledge. A school library plays a vital role in spreading the light of education. I feel proud of my school library because it contains a good number of books on various subjects. So each and every school should have a library in order to ensure a standard education.

4. Write a paragraph about ‘An Ideal Teacher’ answering the following questions.

a. What is a tea stall?
b. Where it is found?
c. What things are sold in it?
d. What do the customers do besides taking tea of there?
e. What is the difference between town tea stall and village tea stall?

A Tea Stall
A tea stall is a small shop where tea and other things are sold for the passers-by. It is available in town and village.  It is a common place to all classes of people. It is usually found at the turn of the road, bus stands, railway stations, Bazar or even beside an office where the common people are available. It opens early in the morning and closes at late night. Biscuits, bread, bananas, betal leaf, cakes, cigarettes and different kinds of handmade snacks are available there. A tea stall is furnished with some benches and tables. A boy is employed in a tea stall to serve the people. All kind of people comes here and takes a cup of tea or cigarettes. People who come to a tea stall usually do not leave it immediately after taking a cup of tea. People refresh themselves with a cup of tea in a tea stall. A tea stall is also a place where social disputes are settled. They mainly talk about politics and current affairs. This is why it is called a Mini Sangsad. In a city tea stall, the owner and the boys are nicely dressed. But this is quit opposite in a village tea stall. Infect, tea stall is now –a-days an important place of social gathering and at the same time a place of charm for the common people. So a tea stall occupies an important place in our day-to-day life. 

5. Write a paragraph about “ Tree plantation” by answering the questions below.
(a)  What is tree plantation?
(b) What is the necessity of tree plantation?
(c)  How do trees helps us?
(d) How do trees maintain ecological balance?
(e)  How does a country become affected by deforestation?
(f)   Why should people grow more trees?
(g)  What will be the result of tree plantation?
(h) What should people do?
(i)    How can we make tree plantation programme successful?

Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means planting more and more trees. Trees are important element of our environment. Our environment is being polluted day by day. We are heading towards a disaster .So, tree plantation is necessary to prevent the pollution of the environment. Trees help us in many ways. Trees supply us oxygen without which cannot live even for a few minutes. They give us shade and protect us from the scorching heat of the sun. They give us timber, food, fruits and shelter. They save the house from cyclone and storms. They protect our soil from erosion. Our country is seriously affected by deforestation. Deforestation turns a country into a desert. If there are no trees left in the forest. There will be less rainfall in the country. This will cause great harm to our cultivation. The temperatures in the atmosphere will also increase. So, people should plant more and more trees. Trees maintain ecological balance. To maintain ecological balance at least 24% of the total land area of a country should be forest. Trees help to cause absorb carbon-dioxide and prevent air pollution. They keep our environment cool and favorable for living. Trees prevent a region from becoming a desert. The result of trees plantation will be good for us. The country will be a comfortable place for living. People should stop cutting down trees. Every person should plant trees. They should be given sapling at a low price. They should be made conscious of the importance of trees. Only then the tree plantation program will be successful.

6. Write a paragraph on ‘A School Magazine’ through answering the following questions.
(a) What is a school magazine?
(b) What does it contain?
(c) Who work for it?           
(d) Who bear the expenditure?
(e) What is its importance? 

A School Magazine
A school magazine is an annual publication of a school. It is usually published once a year. It is the mirror of an institution. Students and teachers write to it. A student can express his latent talent through it. It contains the literary works or other information of a school. It also contains quizzes, poems, short-stories etc. Some teachers and students work for it. A committee is formed for the publication of a magazine. The Headmaster is the president of the committee. The editor invites writings. The teachers encourage the students to write. Then the best writings are selected for publishing. After being printed the magazine is distributed among the students. Mainly students and teachers bear the expenditure for the publication of the magazine. A fund is formed named 'magazine fund' for this. A school magazine has great importance in school life. Students can know about their school. They can also enrich their knowledge. It also teaches the students how to work. Every school should publish a school magazine. It is a part and parcel of school life.

7. Write a paragraph about ‘A Winter Morning’ answering the following questions.
a. How is winter morning?
b. How do people feel in the winter morning?
c. How do animal feels in winter morning?
d. When do people get up?
e. What do children and people do in a winter morning?
f. What kind of food people eat?

A Winter Morning
A winter morning is a time when it falls cold and gets biting cold.  A winter morning is misty and cold. There is fog everywhere. Sometimes sun is not seen because fog is very dense. Everything looked hazy. Nothing is seen clearly and people especially poor people suffer a lot. The road accident is high in winter morning because the road is not clearly seen for dense fog. The villagers gather straw and make fires to warm themselves. And people bask in the sun. In winter morning people like to eat various kinds of pitha. Children get up late. And morning school is very difficult for them. But the farmer and other poor people have to get up early in the morning and go to their work. They worked all day long. In winter they suffer a lot because they do not have good dress to save themselves from biting cold. They do not enjoy that morning. So it is very difficult for them. In cities, people get up late and they remain busy in taking breakfast quickly. For this reason they can not enjoy the scenery of a winter morning. When the fog gradually disappears everyone go to their work. A winter morning is very enjoyable to me.
08.  Write a paragraph on ‘The Importance of Learning English’ through answering the following questions.
a. Why learning English is essential?
b. Why it is called International Language?
c. How it helps International Community?
d. Why you are interested to learning English?
e. Where and on what occasions English is used must?
f. Write the Importance of English in modern technology?
g. Give your advice for the others.

The importance of Learning English
English is an International Language. True to say that the world cannot go for a single day without English. It is spoken and written all over the world. Most of the records, documents and particulars are written in English. Book of higher education are written in English. All the journals, magazines, articles and papers are also written in English. So without English it is impossible for us to know the latest information, invention and new discoveries. All the International organizations arrange their meetings in English. The world is running so fast. We know that it is the age of information, communication technology and science.  All the internet activities are conducted in English. To connect with the other person of the world within a moment, to send any application, document and other writing material there is other language but English. In order to keep pace with the world there is no other alternative to learning English. As a smart, modern, civilized and wise person one should learn English. It is clear to us that English is pre-condition for good job and handsome salary. An expert person in English can easily earn vast wealth by using English. He can easily get service, mix with the other persons, enjoys more opportunities than others. So if we don’t know English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world. Many foreign guests and delegates come to our country. They don’t know our mother tongue. So we need to learn English to communicate with them. From this we can say that we need to learn English to join the advanced and developed world. So we should be very serious and sincere about learning English as an emergency basis.

09.  Write a paragraph on ‘Traffic Jam’ through answering the following questions.
a.      What is Traffic Jam?
b.      What is considered a great problem in Bangladesh?
c.      Describe it’s bad effects.
d.      How it can be solved you think?
e.      Why the drivers do not want to obey the traffic rules?
Traffic Jam
Traffic jam is a situation in where vehicles cannot move freely and traffic comes to a standstill. Traffic Jam is a great problem in our country. It is a common phenomenon our country, especially in the Dhaka city. It occurs almost all the district towns where a lot of vehicles play every day. Especially it occurs near bus stand, railway crossing, turn of a road, at the junction of various roads or near a market. There are many causes behind traffic jam. Overpopulation is the main cause for traffic jam. The number of vehicles is increasing on roads to meet up the demand of overpopulation. It occurs mainly in the morning and afternoon on working days when everyday body tries to attend office in short time or returns home as early as possible. The indiscriminate playing of vehicles like rickshaws, bus, trucks etc and haphazard parking of vehicles and small shops in the footpaths are the main reason of traffic jam. Traffic jam causes untold sufferings to people. Students cannot reach schools in time. It kills our valuable time and lessens our working hours. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. The increasing of traffic jam hampers our economy. So well spacious roads should be constructed. One-way movement of vehicles should be introduced. The driver should be trained in order to cope with the other developed nations. After doing all these things we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.

10. Write a paragraph about ‘Load Shedding’ answering the following questions.
(a) What is load shedding/ How you define load shedding?
(b) What are the causes of load shedding?
(c) When does it occur?
(d) What are its bad effects?
(e) How the people suffer for this?
(f) What should we do to stop load shedding? or, How it can be solved you think?

Load Shedding
Load shedding means the discontinuity of supply of electricity for short or long time. Now, it is a common problem in our country. Nowadays it has become a part of our daily life. There are many reasons for load shedding. The insufficient production of electricity is the main reason of it. Misuse and illegal connection of electricity are the other reasons of it. It occurs mostly at night. The bad effects of load shedding are beyond description. It creates problem in the socio-economic development of the country. Mills and factories, shops, hospitals etc. become paralyzed due to load shedding. The sufferings of the students know no bounds. They cannot study properly. They sit in the darkness closing their books during the load shedding. They suffer a lot of if it occurs in the time of their examination. The patients also suffer terribly because operation stops in hospitals for load shedding. Load shedding at night also encourages the thieves. However, this problem should be solved at any cost. The concerned authority must take necessary steps to stop it. More power stations should be established. Illegal connection and system loss should also be stopped. After all, there is no alternative to be conscious about the misuse of electricity.
11. Write a paragraph about ‘A Railway Station’ answering the following questions.
a.      What is a railway station?
b.      What do the passenger do?
c.      What do the porter do?
d.      What do the hawkers do?
e.      How are the railway station?
A Railway Station
A railway station is place where trains stop for the passengers to get into and get off from the train. It is a busy place. It becomes very busy because of the arrival of trains. Here the passengers are found to stand in a queue to collect their tickets in front of the ticket counter. A big station is always crowded with passengers, hawkers, and posters. There are tea stalls, bookstalls and waiting rooms in such stations. Hawker sells breads, cigarettes, nuts etc. When a train reaches at the station, the passengers hurry to get off from the train. At the same time passengers waiting for the train want to get into the train. As a result, a collision of two groups of passengers takes place. The whistling sound of the departing train creates a situation of vacuum in the minds of the passengers. A railway station is often a den for the anti-social elements. It is a suitable place for the beggars to carry on their trade. It is an unhygienic place too. The latrines of the station are dirty. The authority should look into it to improve the railway service. The railway station is indeed a busy place.  

12. Write a paragraph about ‘An Ideal Teacher’ answering the following questions.

a. Who is A Rickshaw Puller?
b. How does he lead his life?
c. Where does he live?
d. How much is his income?
e. What happens when he earn too little?

A Rickshaw Puller
A Rickshaw Puller is a person who leads his life by pulling rickshaw. He is a familiar figure in cities and towns. Generally, he lives in a slum area. He carries passengers from one place to another. He supports his family through much hardship. He gets up early in the morning and goes down in the street with a rickshaw to carry passengers. In all weathers he has to do his duty. Though a rickshaw Puller pulls his rickshaw from morning till night, he leads a very poor and hard life. He often cannot afford to buy good food and clothes for himself and his himself. His dress is very shabby. His income is very poor. When a man finds no other means of his livelihood, he takes driving a rickshaw. . He works hard but he cannot get rid of his poor condition. When his earn little he cannot afford to buy good food and clothes for himself and his himself. He is really neglected in the society. Although he works hard, his life is miserable. All most all the time he leads a subhuman life. We should respect to his hard labour.

13. Write a paragraph about ‘A Street Hawker’ answering the following questions.
a. Who is a Street Hawker?
b. What is his dress?
c. Where do we find him? 
d. What does he sell? / What types of things he sells?
e. How does he attract the attention of customers? 
f. How is his economic condition? / How he comes to sell his things?
g. When he comes to sell his things?

A Street Hawker
A street hawker is a person who moves from street to street to sell his goods. He is a familiar figure in society. He is a self-employed person.  He carries his goods on head, in hand, sometimes in a handcart. He generally buys his goods in a cheaper rate and sills them at a good profit. We usually find him at street, railway station and bus stand. Sometimes, he comes in front of the house. He is very cunning. He knows his business very well. His main customers are women and children. Generally, he comes when housemasters are out of home and when women are free from their household works and duties. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children. He also brings ribbons, cloth, fruits, fancy goods and domestic uses for women and sells them at a good profit.  Sometimes he sells newspapers. Sometimes he also sells toys, fruits, clothes and vegetables etc. He knows well how to attract the customers. He wears a peculiar dress and hats. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. Sometimes he sings songs or plays on flute. Generally, he leads a very simple life.  A street hawker is very poor. He lives from hand to mouth. He works hard but he cannot get rid of his poor condition. He is really neglected in the society. Although he works hard, his life is miserable. All most all the time he leads a subhuman life. We should respect to his hard labour.

14.  Write a paragraph on ‘A Street Accident You Witnessed’ through answering the following questions.

a) What type of accident is a daily incident in Bangladesh?
b) How accident is occurred which you witnessed?
c) What is the condition of the accident spot after accident?
d) What is your opinion about such accident?
e) Which one is valuable between life and time?

A Street Accident You Witnessed
Now a days, A street accident is a common affair in Bangladesh. The day before yesterday I had to witness a very shocking, havoc and pathetic road accident. It is a matter of great regret that I had to see the unexpected incident. I am very much shocked with the horror incident. I never want to face this again. I just stood before a shop at Firmgate, the busiest place of Dhaka city. A private car was coming up at a full speed from the south and I waited till it ran off past me. Just at that moment, a rickshaw ahead of me was hit by the private car and the driver was thrown down under its wheels. All this happened in an instant. I rushed to the spot and shuddered back from the sight. It was nothing but a mutilated human body with smashed skull in a pool of blood. The unfortunate rickshaw driver died on the spot. I retraced my steps unwittingly as I could not bear the ghastly sight. A large crowd gathered there and there was a great hue and cry. I was totally upset. I came back home with the macabre scene haunting my mind. I never want to face such experience and I always recommend all to be more conscious both drivers and passersby.

15.  Write a paragraph on ‘A book fair through answering the following questions.

a. What is book fair?
b. Where it is held?
c. What is it’s contribution?
d. What kinds of book are displayed?
e. Do you think such fair will bring good for the people?
f. What are the outlooks in the fair?
How it can help you?
A book fair is a place where books of various kinds are brought for sale and display. It is a very popular fair. In fact, a book fair is considered to be an occasion to the book-lovers. A book fair greatly contributes to creating new readers. Now it is very popular in Bangladesh. It is usually held in the winter season on an open place in most of the major cities of the country. The main thing about a book fair is not sale but display of books on different subjects. It is organized by various institutions on various occasions, namely, Martyrs Day, Victory Day, Independence Day etc. The leading publishers of the country set up stalls of their recent publications as well as old ones. All kinds of book stalls are set up in a book fair. Various kinds of novels, poetical works and science fictions are mainly available in a book fair. A festive look prevails all around. In the evening, it become crowdy. On the holidays, there are people and people here. There are some tea stalls too. People gather in those stalls. The writters sometimes visit the fair. The renowned artists, poets’ intellectuals gather there and take part in the seminars and cultural programmes. The largest book fair is held on the premises of Bangla Academy on the occasion of 21st February. A book fair comes with the message that books are our best friends. My personal impression about a book fair is that it can play an important role in developing the habit of reading books among the people. It is a device to spread culture, education and knowledge. It changes our outlook on life and widens our domain of learning. So, we should form the habit of reading books.

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