Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Use of ‘Pre-Position’ for JSC/ SSC /HSC


What is Preposition?
‘Pre’ means ‘Before’ A_©vr c~‡e© + ‘Position’ means Ae¯’vb = Pre-Position
A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.
AZGe, †h Word †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun -Gi c~‡e© e‡m Sentence -Gi AšÍM©Z Ab¨ Word -Gi mv‡_ †mB Noun ev Pronoun Gi m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i, Zv‡K Pre-Position e‡j|
Ab¨ K_vq ejv hvq, †h Word ev Word mgwó Noun ev Pronoun A_ev Noun equivalent Gi c~‡e© e‡m ev‡K¨i Ab¨vb¨ As‡ki mv‡_ Noun ev Pronoun A_ev Noun equivalent-Gi m¤úK© ¯’vcb Kwi‡q †`q ZvB Preposition.
a.    The book is on the table.
b.   The cat is under the table
c.    The sky is above us.
d.   They live in Dhaka.
e.    Please, look at the blackboard.
The most important prepositions are- in, to, by, at, on, of, beside, from, for, above, into, over, about, after, before, since, below, behind, against, through, down, beyond, up, without, across, among, between, along, off, under, with, within etc.
Kinds of Preposition:
MVb Kvh© Ges e¨env‡ii wfwˇZ Preposition ‡K Qqfv‡M fvM Kiv nq| ‡hgb t
i. Simple preposition: Simple Preposition gyjZt GKwU word Øviv MwVZ| †hgbt at, on, of, but, by, down, from, like, out etc.
ii. Double preposition: `y‡Uv preposition GK‡Î hy³ n‡q GKwU Double preposition MVb K‡i| †hgbt upon (up+on), without (with+out) etc.
iii. Compound preposition: Noun, Adjective ev Adverb Gi c~‡e© Simple preposition hy³ n‡q †h preposition MVb K‡i Zv‡K Compound Preposition e‡j|
‡hgbt about (on+by+out), behind (by+hind) etc. across (on+cross), beneath (by+neath) [a=on, be=by]
iv. Phrase preposition : `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK preposition wg‡j A_ev `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Preposition Ges Ab¨ word wg‡j GKK preposition iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq Z‡e Zv‡K Phrase Preposition e‡j| †hgb t by means of, in front of etc.
v. Participle Preposition: Present Participle Ges Past Participle hw` Preposition Gi gZ KvR K‡i Z‡e Zv‡K participle Preposition e‡j| ‡hgb t The man went (past) me. Considering the quality the price is not so high.
vi. Disguised preposition: KL‡bv KL‡bv on, at, of, per Preposition ¸‡jvi cwie‡Z© o ev a e¨eüZ nq, Giƒc o ev a †K Disguised Preposition e‡j| †hgbt He gets up at 8 O’clock (O=of). She comes here once a week. (a=per)

Use of Most Important ‘Pre-Position’

Use of ‘About’
1. ‡Kvb wel‡q ev †Kvb wKQy m¤^‡Ü wKQy ejv ev Kiv A‡_© about e‡m|  
    a. I am telling you about my career.
    b. Let us talk about our business.
    c. I know everything about you.
2. cÖvq A‡_© about e‡m|  
   a. He is about to rise feet.
   b. I need about 50 thousand taka.
   c. He is about to die.
   d. Then it was about 8:00 O’clock.
3. Pviw`‡K A‡_© about e‡m|  
   a. There is a lake about the locality.
   b. Wrap the pieces of cloth about my finger.
   c. The news of his death was spread all about.
4. mg‡qi m¤¢ve¨Zv †evSv‡Z about e‡m|
   a. It is about 8 O’clock.
   b. The bus will start about now.
5. Dcjÿ ev D‡Ïk¨ ‡evSv‡Z about e‡m|  
   a. She came to my house about that matter.
   b. I talk to him about the business.

Use of ‘Above’
1.   msjMœ bv n‡q Dc‡I eySv‡Z above’ e‡m|
a.    The sky is above our head.
b.   The plane flew above the cloud.
2.   wbw`©ó cwigvb ev msL¨vi †P‡q †ekx/ AwaKZi †ekx/ AwaKZi fvj eySv‡Z above’ e‡m|
a.       I have got above 80% marks in English.
b.      There is no shirt above six hundred taka in this shop.
c.       He is above all corruption.
d.      He is above me in rank.
e.     He is above criticism.

Use of ‘After’
1.   c‡i N‡U G iKg A‡_© after e‡m|  
a. Where will you go after dinner?
b. He will meet me after his lunch.
c.  After having lunch, he went away.
2.   wcQy †bIqv ev avIqv Kiv A‡_© after e‡m|  
a. We ran after the thief.
b.Do not hanker after money.
c. The police ran after the thief.
3.    cwiKíYv, aiY ev Ab¨ wKQy Abym¥iY †evSv‡Z after e‡m|  
a. The museum is built after my design.
b.This pen was bought after my choice.
c. He is named after his father.
1.   avivevwnKZv †evSv‡Z after e‡m|  
a. We cantered one after another.

Use of ‘Against’
1.weiæ‡× A_© eySv‡j ‘Againste‡m|
a.  He is always against me.
b. She complained to the headmaster against me.
2. GK cv‡k/cv‡k eySv‡Z ‘Againste‡m|
a.  I kept the chair against the wall.
3.cÖ¯‘wZ ev mZK©Zv eySv‡Z ‘Againste‡m|
a. The stored up some food against rainy ray.
4.cÖwZKzj A_© eySv‡j ‘Againste‡m|
a. The boys are swimming against the current.
b.  We sailed against the wind.
Use of ‘Along’
1.   eivei eySv‡Z Along’ e‡m|
a.    They were walking along the sreet.
b.   Go along the bank of the river.

Use of ‘At’
1. Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e †QvU ¯’vb I wbw`©ó †Kvb w¯’i we›`y †evSv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
   a. He lives at Gulshan in Dhaka.
   b. Open at page 30.
   c. I live at Dighirpar.
2. mgq wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
   a. Come to the college at 8.A.M
   b. Nazrul has become famous at the age of 21.
     (Gfv‡e-At down, at first, at noon, at night, at midnight wKš‘ at day bq|)
3. g~j¨ †evSv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
    a. Orange sells at 100 taka per Kg. (কমলা 100 টাকা প্রতি কেজি বিক্রি করে)
    b. He bought a shirt at Tk. 500. (তিনি এক শার্ট কিনেছেন 500 টাকায়।)
    c. I sold the book at three hundred taka.
    d. Rice sells at Tk. 22 per kg.
4. `ÿZv cÖKv‡ki †ÿ‡Î ‘at’ e‡m|
    a. Rana is good at Mathematics.
    b. Runa is bad at reading and writing.
5. GKK cÖ‡Póvi †ÿ‡Î ‘at’ e‡m|
    a. Drink the glass of water at a time.
6. gvÎv ‡evSv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
    a. The car ran at 120 miles per hour.
    b. I have done many things at a time.
    c. The train was running at seventy miles per hours.
7. `vwqZ¡ ‡evSv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
    a. Do it at your own cost.
    b. He has done it at his own risk.
8. Pig Ae¯’v ev mxgv cÖKv‡ki †ÿ‡Î‘at’ e‡m|
    a) At first, you should go through the question paper.
    b) At last, you should check writings.
9. Kv‡Ri Ae¯’v †evSv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
    a) I am now at work. b) He was at the meeting.
    c) She is at home now. d) I am at my office now.
10.  ZvKv‡bv A‡_© ‘at’ e‡m|
   a. He looked at the picture.
   b. Shirin looked at me.
11.  jÿ eySv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
    a. He aimed at the tiger.
    b. Do not jeer ( VvÆv Kiv) at the old/lame/abnormal man.
12.  †Kvb wbw`©ó eq‡m eySv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
   a. Mahbub Alam got married at 27.
   b. Shakespeare left school at 16.
   c. Mr Alam joined politics at 35.
13.  ‡Kvb gyû‡Z© Dcw¯’Z _vKv eySv‡Z ‘at’ e‡m|
   a. Mr. Kalam will be present at the conference.
   b. I saw our brother at a concert yesterday.
Use of ‘Across’
1.   AvovAvwo fv‡e/ Aci cv‡k eySv‡Z Across’ e‡m|
a.    The Madrasha is just across the road.
b.   His office is across the street.
c.    Two roads pass across each other.
d.   There is an overbridge across the road.
Among:/ Between
1.   `yB Gi g‡a¨ †evSv‡j between Ges `yB Gi AwaK n‡j among e¨eüZ nq|
a.    Devid the fruits between Rusel and Rana
b.   Distribute the books among all students.
c.    Distribute the mangoes among the little boys.
Use of ‘beside/besides’
1.   Beside/Besides: cv‡k A‡_© beside Ges AwaKš‘ A‡_© Besides e¨eüZ nq|
a.    He sits beside me.
b.   Besides the pond I like the house.
2.   Zzjbv eySv‡Z beside’ e¨eüZ nq|
a.    This year’s sales figure does not look very good besides last year’s result.
Use of ‘Before’
1. ‡Kvb mgq ev avivi Av‡M N‡U GiKg †evSv‡Z ‘Before’ e‡m|  
a.    He passed SSC examination before 1992.
b.   Your turn will come before me.
2. m¤§y‡L †evSv‡Z ‘Before’ e‡m|  
a.             He stood before me.
b.            He fainted before me.
c.             I will disclose the matter before all.
3. AwaKZi ¸iæZ¡ †evSv‡Z ‘Before’ e‡m|  
a.             He always emphasizes hard work before brain.
b.            We want prevention before cure.
4. we‡ePbvq Avbv ‡evSv‡Z ‘Before’ e‡m|  
a.             He put the proposal before our chairman.
Use of ‘Behind’
1. wcQ‡b A_© ‘Behind’ e‡m|   
a)   He came behind you. b. He shouted from behind the wall.
c) Who is hiding behind the bench?
2. Amvÿv‡Z A_© ‘Behind’ e‡m|    
a.  You curse him behind the back.
b. You should not speak ill of one behind one’s back.
3. wej¤^ A_© ‘Behind’ e‡m|   
a.  You are behind time.
4. mg_©b ev mvnm A_© ‘Behind’ e‡m|   
a.    Don’t get frightened, we are behind you.
5. wcwQ‡q cov eySv‡Z ‘Behind’ e‡m|   
a)    Nipun is far behind from other students of the class.
b)   b) The tortoise is far behind from the hare.
Use of ‘Below’
1. wbw`©ó cwigvb ev msL¨vi Kg eySv‡j Below’ e‡m|
a. I got below 80% marks in math.
2. wb¤œ ewY©Z eySv‡j Below’ e‡m|
a. My necessary particulariese are given below.
3.wb¤œ gv‡bi eySv‡j Below’ e‡m|
a. This post is below my dignity.
4.A‡cÿvK…Z bxP/Kg eySv‡j Below’ e‡m|
a. You should write your name below this line.
b.               The price of this shirt is below four hundred taka.
Use of ‘By’
1.  ‡Kvb c‡_ hvZvqvZ Kiv ev Mgbv_© †evSv‡Z ‘by’ e‡m|
a.  I shall go there by bus. (On foot, on horse back).
b. She goes to collage by rikshaw.
2.  cv‡k †evSv‡Z‘by’ e‡m|
a.  Our College is just by the Gulshan College.
b. He sat by me yesterday.
c.  The mobile is by the window.
d. She always sits by me.
3.  cwigv‡ci †ÿ‡Î ‘by’ e‡m|
a.    The room is 10 feet by 15 feet.
4. wbw`©ó mg‡q c~‡e© †evSv‡Z ‘by’ e‡m|
a.    He will get back by Monday.
b.   He will come back by 4 P.M.
5.  ‡Kvb e¨w³ KZ©„K m¤úvw`Z A‡_© ‘by’ e‡m|
a.    The poem was written by him.
b.   The work has been done by you.
6. Abyhvqx A‡_© ‘by’ e‡m|
a.    You are guilty by our law.
b.   What is the time by your watch?
7.  avivevwnKZv †evSv‡Z ‘by’ e‡m|
a. His health is improving day by day.
b.He passed the tests one by one.
8. wb‡R wb‡R ev GKv GKv A‡_© ‘by’ e‡m|
a.    He lives by himself.
9.  kc_ †evSv‡Z ‘by’ e‡m|
a.  He swore by Allah that he has spoken the truth.
b.  I swear by Allah that I will never do it again.
10.  mgq eySv‡Z ‘by’ e‡m|
a.       Do you work by day or by night?
b.               How often do you say prayer by day?
Use of ‘For’
1. R‡b¨ A‡_© ‘for’ e‡m|
a.  He bought a shirt for you.
b. What can I do for you?
c.  He was suspended for his negligence to duty.
d. The baby was crying for food.
2. KviY A‡_© ‘for’ e‡m|
a.    We could not go out for rain.
b.   He was disqualified for mental disorder.
c.    I could not come to school for my illness.
3. mg‡qi e¨wß †evSv‡Z ‘for’ e‡m|
a.  He has been absent for three days.
b. He has been reading for an hour.
4. wewbgq †evSv‡Z ‘for’ e‡m|
a.    I have bought it for five taka.
b.   How much have you paid for it?
c.    I bought the watch for taka 1600.
5. Kv‡iv c‡ÿ †evSv‡Z ‘for’ e‡m|  
a.    I will fight for him.
b.   I am speaking for you.
c.    Are you for the proposal?
6. cwie‡Z© †evSv‡Z ‘for’ e‡m|
a.  He acted for his father.
b. He must attend the meeting for him.
7. m‡Ë¡I A‡_© ‘for’ e‡m|
a.    For all his riches, he is unhappy.
b.   For all my good qualities I could not do better.
8. D‡Ïk¨ ev w`‡K ‘for’ e‡m|
  a. The ship is started for Singapore.
 9.cÖZxK ev cÖwZwbwa Dc¯’vcb A‡_© ‘for’ e‡m|
     a. What does red colour in national flag stand for?
  10. mgq eySv‡Z ‘for’ e‡m|
     a. I will stay there for a few days.
Use of ‘from’
1.      n‡Z ev †_‡K eySv‡Z from’ e‡m|
a.       Where are you from?
b.      She comes from Munshiganj.
2.      Drm eySv‡Z from’ e‡m|
a.       We get eggs from hen.
b.      Butter is made from milk.
3.   cÖ‡f` A_© eySv‡Z from’ e‡m|
a.       What is the difference red from orange?

Use of ‘In’
1.      wfZ‡i A_© eySv‡Z ‘in’ e‡m|
a.       His pen is in his pocket.
b.      My book was in my room.
c.       There are some fruits in the bag.
2.   gvm/ FZz/ mvj/mg‡qi c~‡e©  ‘in’ e‡m|
a.       I will come home in April.
b.      He pays a visit to his home in every December.
c.       I will go to Cox’s Bazar in summer vacation.
d.      I passed the S.S.C examination in 2002.
e.       I get up early in the morning.
3. †`‡ki bv‡gi c~‡e©  ‘in’ e‡m|
a.    Jute grows well in Bangladesh.
4.   fvlv eySv‡Z  ‘in’ e‡m|
a.    We speak in Bengali.
b.   They speak in English.
c.    She speak in Arabic.
d.   He writes to me in English.
5.    eo kn‡ii c~‡e© ‘in’ e‡m|
a.    I live in Dhaka.
b.   He lives in Canada.
6. ‡Kvb e¨w³ ev  e¯‘i cwi¯’wZ eySv‡Z  ‘in’ e‡m|
a.    The goods are in good condition.
b.   Our country is in danger.
c.    His health is in bad condition.
d.   They were in angry mood.
7.   wbw`©ó mg‡qi c‡i eySv‡Z ‘in’ e‡m|
a.       Alam sir will return in a few minutes.
b.      I will submit the paper in one month.
c.       The flat will be ready in a weak.
8.   Kv‡iv †ckv eySv‡Z ‘in’ e‡m|
a.  My uncle M.P. Shah Alam has been in politics for 20 years.
9.   ‡Kvb wKQzi Dcvq, gva¨g ev Dcv`vb w`‡q eySv‡Z  ‘in’ e‡m|
a.    The letter was written in ink/pencil/
b.   They sent me the message in code.
10.     cwiwnZ Ae¯’vq eySv‡Z  ‘in’ e‡m|
a.  He is in full shirt.
b.   Stand in a line.
c.  The man was dressed in tattered clothes.
11.     ‡Kvb wKQyi g‡a¨ AšÍf~©³ †evSv‡Z-
a.    Find out the errors in the sentence.
b. There is an important information in this article.
Use of ‘Into’
2.      †Kvb wKQyi †fZ‡i Kv‡iv Ae¯’v‡bi MwZkxjZv ev iƒcvšÍi †evSv‡Z into e‡m|
a.    The teacher enters into the classroom.
b.   Abid dived into the water.
c.    Ripa threw her love letter into fire.
3.      GK Ae¯’v †_‡K Av‡iK Ae¯’vq iƒcvšÍi eySv‡Z into e‡m|
a.       Translate the letter into English.
b.      Cut the paper into pieces.
4.      evwni n‡Z wfZi w`‡K eySv‡Z into e‡m|
a.       Mr. Alim went into the class room.
Use of ‘On’
1.  msjMœ n‡q Dc‡i eySv‡Z On e‡m|
a.    The boy was standing on the bench.
b.   Keep the box on the shelf.
c.    The book is on the table
d.   The khata is on the self
2.  ZvwiL ev w`b eySv‡Z ‘On e‡m|
a.  Meet me on Monday.
b. She will come to me on 20 July.
c.  Our class will start on the 2nd January.
d. I will come again on Friday.
3.  ‡Kvb wKQy m¤^‡Ü ‘On e‡m|
a.    Ruma delivered a speech on Shakespeare.
b.   Write a paragraph on Bangladesh.
c.    He spoke on the current political situation.
d.   I wrote an easy on Traffic Jam.
4.  wbf©ikxjZv †evSv‡Z ‘On e‡m|
a.    We live on rice.
b.   Don’t depend on others.
c.    The cow lives on grass.
d.   We should always depend on Allah.
e.    A car runs on petrol.
5. ‡Kvb Dcj‡ÿ¨ ‘On e‡m|
a. Greeting on birthday.
   b. We attended on his marriage anniversary.
c. I will give you a nice gift on your birth day.
d. She sent me a present on my marriage day.
6. Pjgvb A‡_© ‘On e‡m|
 a. He is on a trip to Thakurgaon.
7. cÖfvweZ Kiv A‡_© ‘On e‡m|
 a. The film inflicted much influence on me.
8. wbf©iZv/SzjšÍ Ae¯’v †evSv‡Z ‘On e‡m|
 a. A car on four wheels.
 b. A table on four legs.
9. Abymv‡i/d‡j ‘On e‡m|
   a. I did it on your advice.
   b. I acted on my teacher’s advice.
10. Ae¨ewnZ c‡iB ‘On e‡m|
   a. On hearing this, she came.
   b. On hearing the news of his father’s death, Sumon went home.
11. c‡ÿ KvR Kiv ‘On e‡m|
    a. He is on the committee.
Use of ‘Of’
1.  gvwjKvbv ev AwaKvi †evSv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
a.    He lives in the house of his uncle.
b.   This is a book of my brother.
c.    It is a sonnet of Shakespeare.
2.  ‡Kvb wKQy w`‡q ‰Zix ev Kv‡iv Øviv wbwg©Z, m„ó ev iwPZ ev DcKiY ‡evSv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
a.       Give me a ring of gold.
b.      I like houses made of brick.
c.       Please sing a song of Lalon Shah.
3. mgwói g‡a¨ GKwU/GKvwaK †evSv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
a.    I like one of her poems.
b.   Many of them have said so.
c.    I would like two pounds of candy, please.
4. m¤^‡Ü ‡evSv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|   
     a.  I do not know of Milton.
5. Drm ev RvZ eySv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
   a. The rice of Barishal is famous.
   b. He is a man of Khulna.
   c. He came of a noble family.
   d. Farzana Madam comes of a respectable family.
6. D™¢~Z  eySv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
     a. He comes of a respectable family.
     b. He came of a noble family.
     c. Farzana Madam comes of a respectable family.
7. KviY eySv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|
     a. He died of over eating.
8. we`¨gvb Ae¯’v eySv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
     a. Mahbub is a man of Character.
     b. Bangladesh is a country of peace and happiness.
9. ZvwiL eySv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
     a. The 12th of March.
10. GKB wRwb‡mi AwfbœZv eySv‡Z ‘Of e‡m|  
    a. He lives in the city of Dhaka.
    b. He died at the age of seventy.
    c. Dhaka is called the city of m mosque.
Use of ‘Off’
Off gyjZt Adverb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e GLv‡b Preposition wn‡m‡e wKQy e¨envi †`Lv‡bv nj|
1. KvQvKvwQ †Nu‡l bq, `~‡i G iKg †evSv‡Z Off e‡m|
a. Take the chair off the room.
b.Keep off the plant.
2. wew”QbœZv ev wePz¨wZ †evSv‡Z Off e‡m|
a.  Take the shoes off your feet.
b. Get the spot off your dream.
c.  Turn the radio off.
d. Switch off the fan.
3. Af¨¯ÍZv †evSv‡Z Off e‡m|
a.  The patient is off his meal.
b. For some reasons, he is off his jovial mood.
4. mgy‡`ªi KvQvKvwQ †evSv‡Z Off e‡m|
a.           We went off the shore.
Use of ‘Over’
1. mivmwi Dc‡i †evSv‡Z  ‘over’ e‡m|
a.     She held her hand over my head.
2. ¯úk© Ki‡Q bv Ggb †evSv‡Z ‘over’ e‡m|
   a. The ball is hanging over his head.
   b. There is a piece of cloud over the mountain.
   c. There is a wooden bridge over the canal.
3. Dc‡i †X‡K Av‡Q ‘over’ e‡m| 
    a. She stretched the cloth over her body.
4. GKcvk †_‡K Ab¨ cv‡k †evSv‡Z ‘over’ e‡m| 
   a. I jumped over the bench.
5. cÖfve ev wbqš¿Y †evSv‡Z ‘over’ e‡m|
   a. He ruled over those people.
6. Dci w`‡q AwZµg Kiv eySv‡Z ‘over’ e‡m| 
  a. A bird is flying over my head.
  b. A plane was flying over the green field.
7. gvÎvwZwi³ ev †ekx †evSv‡Z ‘over’ e‡m|  
   a. He is over 60.
   b. Children of 20 and over will be allowed.
Use of ‘Since’
1.   wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© Since e‡m Ges Zv me mgq Perfect ev Perfect continuous Tense G e¨eüZ nq| Since ej‡Z Point of time eySvq|
a.  It has been raining since Monday.
b. I have been reading in this school since 2015.
Use of ‘To’
1. wbw`©ó †Kvb ¯’vb ev we›`y‡Z eySv‡Z ‘to’ e‡m| †hgb t
a.    Go to the south.
b.   He has gone to school.
c.    I went to Dhaka International University yesterday.
d.   Mr. Safiq will go to Pabna tomorrow.
2. ch©šÍ A‡_© ‘to’ e‡m| †hgbt
a.    Life means waiting from birth to death .
b.   A farmer/ day labourer works from dawn to dusk.
c.    My mother reads the Holy Quran from 6am to 7am.
3. Abyhvqx A‡_© ‘to’ e‡m|
a.    This dress is really to my choice.
b.   I found the place to my liking.
c.    To my mind, it is not good.
4. gy‡LvgywL ev †Nlv‡Nwl A‡_© ‘to’ e‡m|
a.    Talk to him face to face.
5. cÖwZ ev D‡Ïk¨ A‡_© ‘to’ e‡m|
a.  Send the letter to Simu.
b. We invited him to the party.
c.  All of them came to me.
d. Kajol goes to Megha to meet her every weak.
6. mgq evKx Av‡Q eySv‡Z ‘to’ e‡m|
a.    It is quarter to ten.
b.   It is fifteen minutes to twelve.
c.    How long is it to lunch?
7. DcbxZ nIqv ev cwiYZ A‡_© ev djvdj eySv‡Z ‘to’ e‡m|
a.    Burn the paper to ashes.
b.   He was sentenced to the Jail.
c.    The hooligan (¸Ûv) was sentenced to death.
d.   The thief was beaten to death.
8.  Õ‡ZÕ ev ÕiÕ Gi A_© cªKvk Ki‡Z Verb Gi c~‡e© ‘to’ e‡m|
a.  I want to go to Mosque.
b. She wants to succeed in life.
c.  I have to say my prayer.
    Note: A‡b‡KB Verb Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ ‘to’ ‡K preposition g‡b K‡ib| Avm‡j G¸‡jv Infinitive (to).
9.  Zzjbv ev AbycvZ eySv‡Z ‘to’ e‡m|
a.    We were defeated by three to four goals.
b.     Mr. Shaan looks about 20 to his 40.
Use of ‘Through’
1.      wfZi w`‡q eySv‡Z ‘Throughe‡m|
a. They went home through home.
2.      gva¨g eySv‡Z ‘Throughe‡m|
a. We knew it through newspaper.
3.      Ae¯’v eySv‡Z ‘Throughe‡m|
a. He got established through much struggle.
Use of ‘Under’
1.†Kvb Z‡ji wb‡P †evSv‡Z Under e‡m|
a.    Keep the basket under the table.
b.   There is a cat under the chair.
c.    The boy is sleeping under a tree.
d.   We took rest under a banyan tree.
2.Kv‡iv Aaxb KvR Kiv ev †Kvb Ae¯’vq _vKv A‡_©- Under e‡m|
a.    I am doing under Mr. Robert.
b.   Try to keep the boy under control.
3.      kvmbvgj †evSv‡Z- Under e‡m|
a.    Were we in peace under British rules?
4.    cÖwµqvaxb †evSv‡Z- Under e‡m|
a.  He can work hard under pressure.
b. Your proposal was under consideration.
5.   Abyhvqx A‡_©- Under e‡m|
a.     Under the term, he would be punished if he fails to repay.
Use of ‘Up’
1.      wbP †_‡K Dci w`‡K eySv‡Z ‘Upe‡m|
a.    Climb up the tree.
b.   He was climbing up the hill.
Use of ‘Without’
1. Qvov/e¨ZxZ eySv‡Z ‘Withoute‡m|
a.    We cannot live without air.
b.   Man cannot live without water.
c.    You should not do this without my permission.
Use of ‘With’
1.  ‡Kvb e¨w³i mv‡_ †evSv‡Z-
a.  She lives with her parents.
b.   I spent the vacation with my friends.
2. Kv‡Ri †Kvb DcKiY †evSv‡Z-
a.    Don’t play with match.
b.   I write everything with this pen.
c.    He beat the thief with a stick.
3.  mË¡I A‡_©-
a.  With all his learning, he is dishonest.
b. With all his faults, we believe him.
4.  e¯‘evPK ev ¸bevPK Ae¯’v cÖKvk Ki‡Z-
a.  He looked at her with fixed eyes.
b. He works with confidence.
5.  c‡ÿ ev wec‡ÿ †evSv‡Z-
a.  Babar fought with Ibrahim Lodi.
b. Bahram Khan was always with Akbor.
6.  ‡Kvb wel‡q ev e¨vcvi †evSv‡Z-
a.    Be careful with Knife.
Use of ‘Within’
1.      mvaviYZ fwel¨rKv‡j wbw`©ó mg‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z within e‡m|
a.  I will be back within a week.

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